Meeting today at Architectural Testing Canada 356 Saulteaux Cres

A solid turnout of about 20 people invested some time at the testing facility, benefiting from a tour by manager Bryan Boyle.

The group were also up-dated by the FenMan executive and continued with a number of discussion topics including planning for Winnipeg 2014.

The group also unanimously approved the appointment of Ethero (Monica and Cameron Derksen) as a ExecMgt team to assist our group to get to the next level as an association

FenMan members are also looking to take the next step with the Fenestration Canada group in terms of membership and benefits.

Al Dueck, Pres, Fen Man ; Ryan Dudeck, VP, Fen Man ; Aurelle Robin, VP, Fen Man

Al Dueck, Pres, Fen Man ; Ryan Dudeck, VP, Fen Man ; Aurelle Robin, VP, Fen Man